What is the WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program?
The objective of the WINGS Program is to address the primary accident causal factors that continue to plague the general aviation community. By focusing on this objective, we hope to reduce the number of accidents we see each year for the same causes. As you will see, it is not a simple “Award” program but is instead a true proficiency program, designed to help improve our skills and knowledge as pilots.

The WINGS - Pilot Proficiency Program is based on the premise that pilots who maintain currency and proficiency in the basics of flight will enjoy a safer and more stress-free flying experience.

Does participating in the WINGS program count towards my BFR?
Yes. Completion of a phase of wings meets the requirements of FAR 61.56(e).

Does a CFI need to endorse my logbook?
There is not a requirement for a CFI to sign your logbook as a record of your flight review will always be available on https://www.faasafety.gov. If you wish, a CFI may place the following endorsements in your logbook as proof that you have completed a flight review required under FAR 61.56(e)

Completion of a WINGS task (While working on a phase of WINGS)

“I certify that (pilot’s name), holder of pilot certificate No. XXXXX, has satisfactorily
demonstrated proficiency in the required tasks as outlined in the WINGS—Pilot Proficiency
Program, activity number XXX on (date).”
“Instructor Name, Certificate Number, Expiration Date, and Signature”

Completion of a phase of WINGS

“I certify that (pilot’s name), holder of pilot certificate No. XXXXX, has satisfactorily completed a phase of the WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program on (date) as outlined in the current edition of Advisory Circular (AC) 61-91, WINGS pilot Proficiency Program, which meets the requirements for a flight review as specified in § 61.56(e).”
“Instructor Name, Certificate Number, Expiration Date, and Signature”


I'm new to the program how does the website work?

This video is a basic tutorial on how the WINGS program works and how to navigate the site...

Click here for a more detailed tutorial...

Where an I find more information about WINGS?
You can check out Advisory Circular 61-91J or go to the FAASafety website.